COPOLAD III: EMCDDA embarks on week of events with Jamaican partners

This week, the EMCDDA is co-organising, with the Jamaican National Council on Drug Abuse, a series of technical meetings under the COPOLAD III programme. Taking place in Kingston, the events will focus on three topics.

Cannabis policies: technical dialogue and bi-regional workshop (29–31 January)

This technical dialogue will focus on the current state of cannabis policies in Jamaica, offering an opportunity for exchange with key partners working on the topic (1). A bi-regional workshop focusing on cannabis policy models and evaluation will take place on 31 January, where cannabis policy experts from eight Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries will present their own national situations (2). These contributions will provide valuable input for an update of the 2020 publication Monitoring and evaluating changes in cannabis policies: insights from the Americas, currently being prepared under COPOLAD III with the support of RAND Europe.

Forensic capacity: technical dialogue to support the mapping exercise on forensic capacity of Latin American and Caribbean countries (31 January)

On 31 January, EMCDDA delegates will engage in a technical dialogue with Jamaican stakeholders and institutions in order to discuss drug trends, forensic capacity and drug market-related challenges. The event supports an ongoing mapping exercise on the forensic capacity of LAC countries, being carried out under COPOLAD III. It will contribute to promoting future cooperation among EU and LAC forensic institutions.

Towards a Jamaican early-warning system on new psychoactive substances (1–2 February)

Finally, the EMCDDA will deliver technical support to Jamaica on early-warning systems (EWS) and their importance at national and international level. A one-day workshop, targeted at experts involved in implementing a Jamaican national EWS, will focus on the European model and national examples. This will be followed by the launch of the Jamaican EWS on 2 February in the presence of high-level national and international stakeholders.

