Cannabis users entering treatment in the EU (updated June 2021)


Graphic shows characteristics and trends for cannabis users entering treatment (EU-27), including trends.

This graphic is take from the European Drug Report 2021. Full source data and methods and definitions may be found in the Statistical Bulletin 2021.

Graphic source data is provided below for accessibility and reuse purposes.

Chatacteristics of cannabis users entering treatment

Gender breakdown

Gender Number %
Females 17497 16%
Males 92023 84%


Characteristic Age
Mean age entering treatment 25
Mean age at first use 17

Frequency of use

Frequency of use in the last month
Frequency Number %
Daily 45885 49%
2 to 6 days per week 20737 22%
Once a week or less 7982 9%
Not used in the last 30 days 18480 20%

Treatment status of client

Treatment status
  Number % Number (rounded)
First-time entrants 61790 56% 62000
Previously treated entrants 27684 25% 28000
Unknown 20670 19% 21000
Total 110144   110000

Trends in first-time entrants, based on 24 countries (2009-2019)

Trends in first-time entrants (2009-2019
Country 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Germany 7698 8357 9118 10099 13138 14458 15168 15097 13633 15895 15895
Spain 7273 8653 9736 10982 12912 11386 11185 9278 9122 9485 9485
Italy 6029 6174 5781 3629 3593 5267 5810 6394 6483 5217 4880
France 6756 6745 7193 6206 7760 6897 11855 11601 9828 9868 8934
Other countries 10998 11330 10656 11016 12996 14317 13823 14197 14611 15776 15160

Note. Apart from trends, data are for all treatment entrants with cannabis as primary drug. Trends in first-time entrants are based on 24 countries. Only countries with data for at least 8 of the 11 years are included in the trends graph. Missing values are interpolated from adjacent years. Due to changes in the flow of data at national level, data since 2014 for Italy are not comparable with earlier years.
