2016 EU Drug Markets Report: Strategic Overview


This publication provides a strategic overview of the key findings of the 2016 EU Drug Markets Report: In-depth Analysis. The report brings together our knowledge and understanding of the operation and structure of the drug market within the broader context of the illicit drugs phenomenon in the EU. It builds upon the groundwork completed in the previous edition published in 2013, and develops the themes and concepts to give an improved insight into this dynamic policy-relevant field. The coupling of Europol’s expertise and knowledge of criminal networks with the EMCDDA’s holistic overview of the drug situation helps to separate important signals from the ever-present noise.

Read the 2016 EU Drug Markets Report: In-depth Analysis for a comprehensive analysis of the drug market in Europe.

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Table of contents

  • Contents
  • Directors’ foreword
  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Understanding the widespread ramifications of the drug market
  • Cannabis
  • Heroin and other opioids
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamine, MDMA and methamphetamine
  • New psychoactive substances
  • Drug supply reduction policies and responses
  • Abbreviations